Setúbal: a short trip around

"Music" - The Gift

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Summer Time

There it is! Holiday time at last!

It's time to reach out
to family and friends, to relax and have lots of fun, to gain a renewed energy and be able to face the new school year to come with plenty of energy and (always) a smile.

Have a great Summer time!

Summer time fun
Michael Wardle

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Young People in a Global World

This is the last big topic studied all through this shool year and the one that is most directly connected with the students involved in this project as far as their likes, dislikes, feelings, points of view, etc., are concerned.

During the 3rd school term, the students had the chance to do some research and develop quite interesting pieces of work on the topic indicated above. All the work produced was presented and discussed in class.

Here go the links to all of them:

- Young People in a Global World: An Introduction to the topic -

- Young People and Globalization: a work by Vanessa, João Costa and Max

- Youth Life Style: a work by Max

- Cinema: a work by Sam

- Graffiti: a work by Gonçalo

- Football: a work by Hugo Batista, Max, Rafael and Tiago

- Music: a work by Sam

- Rap & Hip-Hop: a work by Arsénio, Filipe and João Caixeiro

- Rockn' Roll: a work by JP and Akira

- Heavy Metal: a work by Gonçalo and Carlos

No fear! No limits!

"No fear! No limits!" was one of the statements some of us decided to write about, since it is one of the slogans that is often used by Young People. Here are a few comments on it.

Graffiti: Art or Crime?

To me graffiti is a way for the writer to express himself in a different way.

There are people that confuse tags with graffiti. Those people associate tags and graffiti with crime or vandalism.

I think a tag is actually an act of vandalism, because a tag is nothing more than the signature of the writer himself or a short word, and there is nothing in it I could call nice.

Graffiti is different: it is art, a means of expression, way different from tags.


This is a widely spoken subject nowadays.

In my opinion, graffiti can be both a crime and an art. It depends. To me, graffiti isn't a crime, but an art. But there are people who just want to vandalise the walls of our town, and of course this shouldn't be done in some places. There should be specific places for the people to do it and for us to enjoy this kind of work.

I like graffiti and in the future I would like someone to teach me how to do it.

João Caixeiro

Graffiti: Art or crime? That’s not an easy question to answer. Most people think that graffiti is a pure act of vandalism, but things are not just like that.

It really is art, but writers (people who produce graffiti art), do not have specific areas to practise it. There are few countries where graffiti is legal.

I consider that it’s an art, depending on the place where it is made, like old buildings or places like that. I think there’s no problem in making a good graffiti there. But writers often just think of spreading their art all over the city, that’s why graffiti should be made legal and appreciated by everyone. If there were places for the graffiti writers to create their art, there wouldn’t be such a high tax of vandalism right now.

I like graffiti and I think it should be legalized.

José Pedro Quintino


In class, we had the chance to study a text on streetstyle. here are a few comments on it.

“The history of streetstyle is a history of tribes":

- I have chosen this sentence, because this means there are many tribes and each tribe has its own style. Many of today’s rebellious groups had their origin in those tribes.


- Street style is a history of tribes, because every group of people has a distinctive style of dressing and decoration.
There are various tribes in the world, zooties, hippies, etc. and each
of it has its own style.
Street style isn’t a specific style, because there are several styles and nobody can really say one is the actual street style.


"Like-Looking is Like-Thinking"

- We don’t agree with that idea, because it is not the type of clothes we wear that shows the way we think, our true personality. The way people think doesn’t influence the way people dress and their moral thinking.

Vanessa and João Dores

"The Punks who dyed their hair green or even the hippies who let their hair grow long at a time when short hair was the norm were risking a great deal - job prospects, family harmony, verbal and sometimes even physical abuse. To adopt the look of a particular styletribe is to put oneself on the firing line. But if this brings a sense of group solidarity and comradeship, then, for many, it is worth it."

I was asked to comment on a certain part of a text we have read in the English class today. I have chosen to write about this part, and I agree with it. At that time, being 'not normal' was almost a crime, people risked a lot just to show their ideas on the world they lived in, and they never thought twice about that, because they didn't care about the consequences as long as they tried, at least, to tell everyone the truth about what they thought about society, discrimination, war, people that were not really living their lives. They wanted everyone to know that. I also think that "group solidarity and comradeship" is worth a lot, but I have to disagree when the author says that that is the reason why they did it...

Hugo Cortez

“The teenager steps out of the parental family into a social vacuum”

Until they are 11-12-year olds, youngsters usually hang out with their family. When they grow up they start feeling a need to step out of it. Sometimes they get into a social vacuum. Sometimes they step into many types of relationships, some bad some good…

The idea of being with friends, doing what you usually do and like, is prior to the idea of being with your parents.

That’s why teenagers step out of their parental family into their own social circle.

José Pedro Quintino

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Our Country

A Portuguese Lighthouse - Cabo Espichel

On the coast

Typical boats - Aveiro

A countryside view - on the way from Setúbal to Palmela

Typical windmill - Palmela

Two works on this topic were developed and presented in class:

- one by Fábio, Hugo Cortez, a.k.a. Akira, José Pedro Quintino, a.k.a. JP, Nuno Mesquita and Vanessa Camisola - ;

- one by Hugo Batista and João Costa - .

Though there have been a few changes to the original format of the sites, we hope we have been able to keep to their main purpose.

Our Town

On this topic, several works were produced and presented in class:

- Carlos, Rafael and Vanessa produced a great film on our town, Setúbal. Nevertheless, its size won't allow it to be embedded in our blog.

- Fabrice, Gonçalo, João Dores, Sam and Tiago produced two different kinds of work: a PowerPoint presentation - - and a site - - with information on our town.

Take a trip there.

Our School

Arsénio, Filipe, Pedro and Max produced a film on our school - Escola Secundária Dom Manuel Martins -, which was presented in class and which gave us quite an original perspective of it.
Unfortunately, the size of the file won't allow it to be embedded here.

eTwinning Certificate